Gruppe Status: Prosjekt Spill (Group Status: Game Project)

Gruppe Status: Prosjekt Spill (Group Status: Game Project)

17. oktober 2024 13:13

Skrevet av Christopher Braathen

Lest 9 ganger

With a new game group comes a new game! This article will be about the new game and our scope for this project 😎.

Hey there!

In the new game project we have taken some time, some meetings, and some pizza 🍕, to discuss what type of game we are actually developing.
From these discussions we’ve gotten some great ideas such as:
- A horror survival game, where you explore the infamous Gløshaugen and collect key items while being chased by ludicrous monster.
- 2D fighting game, such as Street Fighter or Guilty Gear, but with our own charm and twist.
- A real time strategy game in space.
- Among Us 4 📮.

In the end we ended up with a roguelike taking place here at Realfagsbygget. A roguelike is a game genre based on the concept of dungeon crawlers, where you explore different rooms in order to make yourself stronger throughout a session. In a typical roguelike you have rooms divided into section and at the end of each section you end up with a boss. Classic games in this genre are such as Hades, Dead Cells, The Binding of Isaac, Risk Of Rain, and much more.

We have been inspired by stories we have heard throughout our school days and taken these as inspiration for bosses, or other aspects of the game.
The context for the game is that different players are exploring the undergrounds of Gløshaugen, by entering the terrifying U6 floor (I am pretty sure it does not exist). Here the players will roam around and explore to find hidden creatures and objects created by the school. By finding either class specific items or general items players can get stronger in each room to eliminate the boss lurking around in the dungeon.

For legal reasons: I am not saying NTNU is performing any hidden or suspicious activities.

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