Group Status: DevOps V24

Group Status: DevOps V24

24. april 2024 21:07

Skrevet av Lisa Yu

Lest 1037 ganger

Update from DevOps V24

What have DevOps been doing?

This semester DevOps has focused even more on having fun and getting to know each other😁 …which is why the average attendance per meeting has gone down💩 We have been mariokarting, ice skating, pizza eating, and super smashing😎 We have truly seen new sides of each other, and they have been mostly positive😃👀

As you may remember from our last group update, we were in the process of making a brand new website!
After some hardcore debating about wheter or not DevOps have the resources to create this, we decided to not continue developing it😢 BUT, our current leader Michael does not give up easily, so we will in fact try to make the new website during the next semester🥰

New Members

Even though we aren’t that many members per meeting, we have gotten 3 new members! Edvard Eide, Jon Håkon and Johannes Schmid🥳 They are all so talented, and are definitely lifting up the mood and the spirit in DevOps.

Many thanks to our members who keep meeting up, and to the people who help us with the website #weStan<3

Best regards, DevOps spring, 2024