LabOps, now English

LabOps, now English

18. april 2022 23:16

Skrevet av Emma Wei Bjørkedal

Lest 1043 ganger

Another semester, another LabOps article. What do we do and who are we? Here is our status update.

We in LabOps are mainly responsible for the workshop. In addition to this we have the main responsibility for hosting events and courses, as well as promoting and advertising for Hackerspace. Until now the activities we could arrange have been limited due to covid, but we hope to hold more fun courses and events in the near future. To achieve this we will start holding the Hackerspace preliminary courses earlier in the semester, so that there will be more time for other things. 

Since the last update we have bought a 3D printer that technically has an infinite axis, meaning that we can print objects with an unlimited length. To test the PrintMill, a gigantic slug was printed. The print was completed after about 3,5 days and the quality was pretty good. He is now the official workshop pet and will in the future tag along when we are holding Hackerspace stands. 

~ He chonk, he amazing, we luuuuv him

During the term we’ve been working on a number of workshop related projects. The biggest ones being a 3D printer cam surveillance system and a workshop map with an inventory count. The goal of the cam surveillance is to be able to track the print progress from the website. Especially for the PrintMill as it can be a bit iffy to use. It is also an easy way to see if the printer is occupied or not. For the storage system we want our inventory to be accessible and easy to find in the workshop, as it can be considered quite messy at this current point in time. In the end you should be able to borrow items and equipment from us through our website. 

In other news, the recruitment this semester went well. LabOps got a total of 5 new members, and with 2 of them being non-native speakers, we decided to switch to English for our meetings and such. We will continue to expand our reach and hope to get even more members during the recruitment period next semester, so keep your eyes open for when recruitment opens again during August. Feel free to leave a follow at our newly revived instagram @hackerspacentnu and like at our facebook page @hackerspacentnu.

Lastly Hackerspace has been invited to Skaperfest 2022. This event is a place for us creators to show off what we do. The event is free of charge to attend and takes place at the city town square on Friday 26th and Saturday 27th of August, from 10.00-16.00. Hope to see you there!

Then until next time. Peace out!

Emma, Leader LabOps