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Red Planet Rampage Release Party!

Red Planet Rampage Release Party!

Dette arrangementet er åpent for alle studenter uavhengig av Hackerspace-medlemskap

Arrangementansvarlige: Fredrik Lillemoen Eiding,

event 01. juni 2024

access_time 16:00 til 20:00


The Red Planet Rampage team invites everyone to celebrate our steam release in a big event with pizza!

Red Planet Rampage’s official release date has been set to the 1st of June, and we want to celebrate with pizza, game tournaments, a Q&A with the development team, and many other fun activities!

The festivities begin at 16:00 and last as long as we want (probably about 4 hors max). The event is open for everyone, and we only have a max capacity at 40 people, so join sooner rather than later! Please spread the word to friends and people you know that might be interested; the more the merrier! :)

If you can’t log in on this website with feide you can register at this google schema:
so we now how much pizza we should buy :)

We look forward to demo Red Planet Rampage one final time and celebrate with you all!

PS: Please consider wishlisting the game on Steam if you haven’t already :)


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Frist for påmelding er 30. mai 2024 23:57

Frist for avmelding er 30. mai 2024 23:57