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Basic Course - Arduino and microcontrollers

Basic Course - Arduino and microcontrollers

Dette arrangementet er åpent for alle studenter uavhengig av Hackerspace-medlemskap

Arrangementansvarlige: Emma Wei Bjørkedal,

event 26. oktober 2022

access_time 18:15 til 21:15

location_on VE20

Do you want to learn the basics of an Arduino? This is the course for you

This course contains basic knowledge of how to use an arduino and microcontrollers.
That means:
- Writing simple Arduino-codes (controller LEDs, buttons and a potmeter)
- Connect and upload codes to an Arduino (through the Arduino IDE)
- Connect basic components to the Arduino

There are no prerequisites needed prior to participating in this course.

You will need to have Arduino IDE downloaded on your computer.
You can download the Arduino IDE here (

Link to course slides:

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Frist for påmelding er 26. oktober 2022 17:00

Frist for avmelding er 26. oktober 2022 16:00